
Every Automobile Owner Needs to Learn about Tires

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Every Automobile Owner Needs to Learn about Tires

When I bought my first car, I was very intimidated by it. However, my dad loved cars, so he had all of the regular maintenance done for me. Once I moved far from home when I landed my first job, I learned just how much may dad did to maintain my car. Little did I know that my tires had gone almost completely bald. I learned my lesson one day when it was raining and I slammed on the brakes -- my car slid and almost hit the one in front of me! This motivated me to take my car in for maintenance and the staff told me my tires were likely the problem. I have since dedicated myself to learning more about cars to keep me safe on the road. I want to share what I am learning on a blog to help others out there stay safe, too!


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Two Things To Consider Before Purchasing Aftermarket Truck Parts

Aftermarket parts are a good way to customize your truck to fit your specific needs and preferences. However, it's essential you fully understand the all the elements involved with using these parts before buying them and having them installed on your vehicle. Here are two things you should consider.

Insurance May Not Cover Them

Possibly one of the most concerning things about aftermarket parts is some of them may not be covered by a vehicle insurance company. If you get into an accident and the aftermarket part is damaged, your insurance provider may not pay to have the part fixed or replaced. If the company does pay for the repairs, the amount of money offered may not be enough to cover the cost. Many states require insurance companies to provide a minimum of $500 to $1,000 coverage for custom parts when customers purchase certain insurance products, but this may be just a drop in the bucket for some parts.

It's important to contact your insurance company and let them know you have, or plan to have, custom parts on your vehicle and discuss whether those parts are covered. Be prepared to upgrade your insurance policy with riders if you hope to recover money for damage done to or theft of aftermarket parts you install on your vehicle.

They May or May Not Add Value to the Vehicle

Upgrading a vehicle is a lot like upgrading a home. You can make changes that improve its performance and make it a lot more comfortable for you to use, but not all of those changes will be needed or wanted by the next person who owns the truck. Aftermarket parts can do a lot to make your truck work and look better. Unfortunately, that doesn't always translate to more money when it comes time to sell the vehicle to a dealership or private party.

There are a couple of reasons for this. The part itself may actually detract from the vehicle's value due to the above insurance problem or other issues such as quality. Most of the time, though, the issue comes down to taste. The more you customize your vehicle, the smaller the group of people out there who will value the same things (e.g. not everyone loves spoilers). If you plan on selling your ride in the future, consider how the upgrades you want to get on your truck will affect the vehicle's future sale price.

For more information about aftermarket truck parts or help choosing the right ones for your vehicle, contact an auto parts store.